
Amazon Redshift- The data warehouse solution

  Hi folks, this is Utpal and in this article I have discussed Amazon Redshift with demo. In the same week, I have written another article on CloudEndure (migration of server to AWS) ; you may read this later. Data warehouse is the centralized warehouse of data which is a OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) database. Basically, there are two types of data- operational data and strategic data. Operational data used for day-to-day purposes like transaction. Strategic data (also known as historical data) used for various analysis, reporting, mining. These are useful to take business decisions . They are stored in data warehouse. For example, let we have a company with total 15 branches throughout the country. Each branch produces various types data which are needed to be retrieved to get the overall view, do some analysis, reporting, mining etc. Now, it is not a good solution to retrieve data from each of the 15 branches every time we need. Instead, we should have a large cent